Teaching Strategies for Keeping Class Entertaining and Engaging

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Teaching Strategies for Keeping Class Entertaining and Engaging

Have you ever been standing in front of the class teaching a lesson and look to your students and find them sleeping or zoning out? It may be upsetting when you think you’ve done the work to create an engaging activity and still your students aren’t interested and aren’t absorbing the information. Here are 10 strategies to explor to keep class entertaining and engaging.

  1. Incorporate Mystery

Try to incorporate some mystery and anticipation for learning topics. You can do this by giving students clues to the upcoming lesson topics. You may find that your students are actually looking forward to finding out what they’re going to learn next.

  1. Create Classroom Games

Everyone loves games no matter your age. Games are a great way to keep lessons engaging and entertaining. It’s also a great way to help students absorb complex information.

  1. Show your personality!

Let loose and make teaching fun for yourself. If you’re having fun, your students will give you the same energy. Passion is contagious.  

  1. Participate in projects

If you’re participating in projects it will give you a good idea of how helpful or exciting the project is.

  1. Laugh at your students’ jokes

This is one of the best ways to ensure everyone has fun. It’s good. To enjoy each other!

  1. Relate your lessons with their lives

When you create real world connections to the lessons, it gives students a reason to learn it.

  1. Use technology

Technology is a huge way to keep things interesting. Children and teens love tech, so try to incorporate it as much as possible in your lessons. Make sure you try to use a variety of forms of technology.

  1. Think outside the box

Lesson plans don’t have to be worksheets and lectures. Try thinking outside the box by inviting a guest speaker, taking a field trip, or learning outdoors.

  1. Don’t repeat classroom material

It’s important to review classroom material but try not to repeat it word-for-word. Try playing a review game.

  1. Give students choices
Choices aren’t always easy to give to students who are in elementary school, but students would be happy to have an opportunity to choose what, and how, they learn.
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