Inspiring Creativity In Students

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Inspiring Creativity In Students

It can often be a struggle to find ways to inspire creativity in students. We are so focused on standards, assessments, and meeting objectives, that it can be hard to find the time or energy to focus on promoting creative thinking. Creativity is a key 21st century skill that has intellectual, emotional, and social benefits for students. Inspiring creativity in students can also help them embrace their originality and make unique connections in their learning. Here are some easy to implement ways to inspire your students’ creativity this next school year.

Turn up the music!

Whether it’s playing in the background or it’s part of an assignment, integrating music into your classroom is a great way to get your students’ creative juices flowing. Ask students to produce a music video, write and perform a rap, or re-write an existing song as a major assignment.

Relinquish control

When students have more control in the classroom they take a sense of ownership in their work. In time students will be able to self-direct their learning by choosing topics that interest them, modalities they work best in, and/or learning paths they would like to take.

Say Goodbye to the essay

Instead of assigning essays try encouraging students to think outside of the box. Suggest creating a poster, designing a website, writing a poem, or creating artwork.

Time and place

To be creative you need a time and place to be creative. Assigning a creative space in your classroom and building time to be creative into lesson plans on a regular basis are good ways to get started.

Real life problems

Providing your students with real life problems (authentic learning) to solve can inspire creativity in their solutions. Try giving your students weekly STEM questions. By the end of the week they should have their answers and be able to explain to the class their solutions.

Explore cultures

Culture is an inspiring way to connect with your creative side. Try discussing in your classroom how cultures working together have produced amazing ideas and programs.

There are a multitude of ways to inspire creativity in your students this upcoming school year. Send us a message on our Facebook with your ideas! We are excited to hear how you incorporate creativity into your classroom.

CE Credits Online has been providing online professional development courses to teachers in NYC, LAUSD, and across the country for almost 20 years.

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