Making the Most of the End of Summer

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Making the Most of the End of Summer

As the summer holidays are coming to a close it’s time to start preparing for the upcoming school year. Whether it’s on the beach or at home, here are some simple strategies for preparing mentally, physically, and professionally for the new school year.

Be Reflective

Reflective practice has been shown to be one of the keys to successful teaching and professional growth. While it can be difficult during the school year to take a step back and analyze your practice, the summer is a great time to take stock of your teaching. We suggest starting a journal, setting up a coaching session with a trusted colleague, or free-writing about your experiences. Reflection is also about analysis, so we suggest connecting your reflections to goal setting for the upcoming new year.

Make Time for Yourself

Contrary to what many people think, a teacher’s job doesn’t end in the summer. Whether it’s writing curriculum, completing professional development, or teaching summer school, a teacher’s job is often year-round. But with the nicer weather and a lightened work-load, we suggest making time for your own wellness. Whether it is starting a mindfulness practice, joining a book club, or improving your physical fitness, making time for yourself now will help you balance the rigors of the new school year.

Build Your Practice

The internet is a wonderful resource, especially for teachers. Take some time this summer to bolster your practice by doing research on the latest trends in education, newest technologies, and research-based best practices. With great resources like Teaching Channel, Teachers Pay Teachers, and Pinterest (no kidding!), you can start to pull together a whole suite of new ideas and resources to help you go into the next school year energized and prepared.

Regardless of what you decide to do with your last weeks of summer, we hope it’s restful, you deserve it. And if you are already back to school, we wish you the best of luck for the new school year!

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